Free Pisces-Pisces Love Match Astrology

A Pisces-Pisces Love Match represents Four Fish all dreamily "grooving" in various directions. As you see there are enough "multiple choices" of behavior here to make your head swim.

The choices are much the same, in general, as when the other two Water Signs are involved in the same sort of same Sun Sign Pattern influence, although normally not quite so intense as the double Scorpion vibration - nor quite so materially oriented and possessive as the double Cancerian vibration.

Since Pisces is astrologically inseparably linked to "religion" (or more accurately, to spiritual truth), this is an appropriate place to remind the reader that Jesus, who ushered in the Piscean Age of the Fish, was not, as some people believe, a fisherman. Jesus, like his father, Joseph, was a simple carpenter by trade. He did, although, have a special fondness for fish, and referred to them often in his teaching.

Pisces pass a great part of their lives hiding and avoiding the hooks and nets of reality, and can easily get lost in the euphoric escape of drugs or alcohol. They can also become exquisitely creative in many forms of mutual endeavor, from the arts to architecture, exploring places like Oz and Wonderland, teaching schools of small minnows, patiently and perceptively,... or just swim and pal around together, avoiding the seaweed, making friends with the sharks, talking to the dolphins, waving cheerfully to the sea gulls overhead, frolicking through the waves, and playing tag with each other.

There's a certain softness and placidity inherent in the Pisces Sun Sign, which may, in varying degrees, diminish vitality of motivation and consequent action. Pisces people are usually extraordinarily sensitive or "psychic," al­ though the quality often manifests itself in a passive way, the Fish depending upon dreams, intuition, and instant impressions in his (or her) daily, personal life. The drive and forcefulness that creates mystics who are also great leaders is sometimes lacking, Pisces preferring to spread their light quietly, behind the scenes.

Two Pisceans must always be aware of the various aspects of the negative polarity of Neptune's psychic bequest to them: delusions, false illusions, idle daydreams, and self-deception, as well as the subtle temptation to mislead oth­ ers in some way. Much will depend upon the Moon Signs of the two Fish, as to their individual destinies and the fate of their 1-1 association. If the Sun-Moon exchange between the two nativities is favorable, harmony will be easy. If not, much watchfulness will be required, lest they drown one another's initiative and ambition.

There's a good chance that there'll be a scattering of petty bickering, crossness, and irritability between them now and then, but generally, they won't face the kind of difficulty understanding one another's basic natures they experience with other Sun Signs, such as Gemini and Sagittarius, for example. The Neptune-ruled not only easily comprehend each other's secrets and elusive personalities - they also possess an instinctive sympathy for one another's woes and sor­ rows.

It's rare for two Fish to meet and not almost immediately sense this empathy, never mind the other planetary positions in their birth charts. All 1-1 associations feel the same mutual familiarity, but none of them sense it so quickly and so deeply as Pisces and Pisces (with the possible exception of a cou­ple of Scorps). These two gravitate toward each other naturally and smoothly.

Often, they'll meet at the seaside, or over a drink, whether it's a glass of Perrier water, or something stronger. They can, of course, also meet in a concert hall, in the park, in a hospital, newspaper office, the theatre, a convent, a monastery, or a science lab involved in any sort of occupation or career that allows Pisces to provide some kind of creative "service" to others (if only to entertain them) with minimum authority required - and maximum freedom permitted.

Pisceans are ordinarily outwardly gentle, soft-spoken, and accommodating. They're not perfect, they have their naughty moments, but the Fish aren't usually inclined to make a major issue out of a minor slight. They bear their trou­ bles rather lightly and casually, and when the burden becomes too heavy, the Fish are more apt to simply drop the problem and walk away from it than to struggle in futile fashion, fighting fate - or what they view as the inevitable. Your average gentle Pisces soul expects to be last, to have least, to end up with the smallest piece of fudge cake, and to be the one head in the crowd most favored by a low-flying flock of pigeons.

The Fish will feel more secure when they discover themselves hiding, as usual, in among the other Sun Signs, making their own individual compatibility associations with other signs difficult for the rest of the readers to find. They like it that way. All their friends will have trouble locating them and learning how they get along with people, isn't that right, Pisces? But you'll know where to look for yourselves, even though you may be overlooked by everyone else. (Aren't you always?)

It doesn't ruffle your calm to be "last, with the least" in­ stead of "first, with the most" - because you remember the biblical warning that "he who is first shall be last and he who is last shall be first." (To be fair to women's lib, we'd best say "he-she who is first shall be last, and she-he who is last shall be first.") And what was that other Pisces promo in the New Testament? "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth"? Poor Neptune souls. If they ever did inherit the Earth, the inheritance taxes would probably shrink it so they'd be left with only the Bronx - and maybe a small slice of Siberia. That sort of thing frequently happens to the Fish.

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